Canine Safety Systems

Professional Dog Fencing Products and Expertise
Finding A Pet Solution That is Right For Your Dog
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Freedom & Safety for Your Pet
Outdoor Systems
We provide installations of outdoor underground fencing system that will not only keep your pet safely contained, but can also keep your pet out of your garden, landscaping, pool or other off-limit zones.
Indoor Solutions
Pet Stop by Canine Safety Systems brings the benefits of boundary setting indoors, too. Our technology can easily keep kitty off the kitchen counter, the dog out of the litter box or correct any other behavior issues you may be having.
Competitive Upgrades from Pet Stop!
Are you tired of paying for service calls just to change the settings on your collar? Sick of replacing batteries? Or do you just want a better product with better customer service? We offer competitive upgrades for all pet containment systems. Switch to is Pet Stop by Canine Safety Systems and save money while you do it!
We install new Pet Stop® dog fences, because only Pet Stop is Manufactured in the USA from imported raw materials and provide a better experience for all. If you’re dissatisfied with your current provider, we can provide competitive upgrades for you at a very reasonable cost. Whether you have an Invisible Fence® brand pet containment system or a different system, we can upgrade you to a Pet Stop by Canine Safety Systems at a reduced cost.
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Competitive Upgrades from Pet Stop!

Our Unique Installation Process
Money-Saving Installation Exclusives!
There’s a reason why our installations last longer, look cleaner and work better. Below is a comparison of some of the differences between us and our competitors.
Canine Safety
- Wire: Heavy-duty 12-gauge stranded copper with a custom-made polyethylene coating that is environmentally friendly and has a 90-year manufacturer warranty against deterioration. Stranded copper is less likely to break than solid wire.
- Burial Depth: 5-7 inches in grass areas, and ¾” in asphalt driveways, then sealed with driveway sealant. Or, if the right conditions exist, we can use our NEW “DRIVEWAY DRILL” to tunnel under the driveway!
- Guarantee: Lifetime against lawnmowers, weed whackers, 10 years against damage from snowplows, snow shovels, string trimmers
- Our Products: Made in the USA from imported components– we frequently have contact with the manufacturers to ensure the highest quality products are being used.
- Snow Installations? In most cases, yes! We have modified our machinery to work 12 months out of the year.
- Farm Installations? Yes! We’ve designed our larger machinery to bury wire up to 15 inches deep to avoid farm equipment accidentally breaking the wire.
Most Competitors
- Wire: Usually 18g to 16-20 gauge solid wire, to save money.
- Burial Depth: 1.5 -2 inches in most areas, and 1/2 inch deep in blacktop driveways. Sorry, no tunneling option.
- Guarantee: Varies, but service calls are usually part of the business model.
- Their Products: Most competitors manufacture overseas, to save money.
- Snow Installations? Not likely.
- Farm Installations? Wire won’t likely be buried deep enough to avoid farm equipment damage.
Custom Designs
is Pet Stop by Canine Safety Systems will walk you through the entire process, from picking out which fencing layout best suits you and your property needs, to training your pet to the fence. We want our customers to be experts, just like us!
Below are our most popular underground pet fencing layouts, but we can customize the fence boundary layout if necessary – we can also make flower beds, pools, ponds (even streams, lakes and the ocean!) and other landscaping elements off-limits to your pets.
Our most common layout installation is a Full Perimeter loop. This layout gives your pet free range to roam your entire yard but not leave it.
Dog Fencing & Pet Containment Basics
The Pet Stop® dog fence system is simple and straightforward. It consists of three primary components:
- The transmitter
- The receiver
- Antenna (boundary wire)
Our Pet Stop® transmitter is an ultra-low frequency radio transmitter that plugs into any standard 120V outlet. The signal it transmits is carried by the underground boundary wire, which serves as a hidden antenna for your dog fence. We bury the wire 3 to 7, to 5 to 7” inches deep to prevent damage from lawn mowers, weed whackers, snowplows or any other maintenance machines.
Your pet wears a lightweight receiver for the dog fence, which is worn around your pet’s neck. The receiver picks up the radio signal only if your dog or cat decides to cross the boundary wire. Crossing the wire will give your pet a mild correction equivalent to the feeling of a static electric shock from carpeting.

Not All Pet Fence Installations Are Created Equal!
We’ve probably all been burned by the allure of a low price only to realize that what we just purchased would not do what we needed it to do, or fell short of our expectations. The old age “you get what you pay for” really rings true in the electronic pet fencing business. Here are a few things which help us keep your pets safer than our competition.

12 Gauge Wire
Nobody likes to hear about the difference in wire gauge, and while the quickest way to cut cost is to use less copper, we like to remind everyone that our goal is not to use less copper, but to keep your pets safe. There is a reason that our wire doesn’t break. It’s heavier – often 4 times the thickness of the competition! Every time the ground contracts and expands with the changing seasons is a chance for stress on the wire. When someone puts a shovel in the ground near the perimeter of your yard, the odds of an accidental breakage go up – especially with lighter gauge wire.
Deeper Wire Burial
One do-it-yourself website recommends a 1-3″ burial depth for their wire. At that depth, any number of items can accidentally break your wire.
In our unique installation process, we bury the wire 5-7 inches in grass areas, 6-7 inches deep in gravel driveways, and ¾ inches in blacktop driveways, or we can drill underneath. In more extreme cases, such as areas where farm equipment penetrates the earth more than 7 inches, we have uniquely designed equipment to go over 15 inches deep!
Burying pet fence wire 1-3 inches deep costs less to install, installs more quickly, and doesn’t require machinery which has been re-engineered for deeper burial. We ask the question, “does it keep the pets safer?” When someone sticks a spike in the ground, or the lawn mower catches a stone and accidentally cuts the area by the wire, we want to make sure the wire we install stays installed and keeps your pets safe. Deep burial helps to insure this.
Unique Installation Techniques and Equipment in the Pet Fence Industry
We like to invent at Canine Safety Systems. So much so that we’ve developed machinery which helps us do our job better, more efficiently, and helps us to create a safer environment for your pets. Other companies may tell you they have the same equipment, but we know the industry very well. They may have similar machines, but they don’t have the abilities we have.
Anatomy of a Wire Break
Now, let’s understand why your wires break and how to keep them from breaking. The four biggest culprits of dog fence breakage are lawn mowing, aeration, edging, and weed whacking. A typical dog fencing dealer should expect to make 35-40% of their yearly income from fixing their own wires. You should expect and budget for your dealer to be at your home 2-3 times a year to repair your line. This ongoing revenue stream is what propels dealers to cut corners on installations, so you can pay for them to fix it later.
The best way to fight wire breaks is to install heavier gauge wire deeper into the ground. This keeps the wire safe, the pets safe, and the customers happy. This is the model which we use at Canine Safety Systems. We use 12 gauge wire in all our installations. We bury our wire deeper into the ground to avoid accidental breaks. We can even bury wire over 18 inches deep where necessary. While 36% of our revenue is repairing wire breaks, only 4-5% are our own wires. Quite simply, our wires almost never break.
GPS may someday be a great pet fence system, but as of now, it’s just not there yet. Strong, solid, copper wire is still the best way to keep your pets safe. There is no substitute for heavy gauge wire buried deep enough to avoid problems. The next time your wire breaks, give us a call and let us put an end to it.
The Truth about GPS Pet Fencing
Here are a few truths about GPS fencing, as well as a practical solution to your wire break problem.
- GPS is a relatively new technology in the pet fencing world. Like all new technology, it’s best to let someone else work out the problems with it before you buy in. Right now, GPS pet fences are accurate to “within 4-5 feet”. This is fine if you’re playing golf, where the consequences of a 4-foot error put you in the rough rather than the fairway, but if this means Rover ends up in the road rather than the front yard, 4 feet is unacceptable. The advantage of copper wire is simple; the wire never moves.
- GPS must be programmed. Do you know your longitude and latitude coordinates for every point of your boundary? Of course not. Remember those wire break maintenance calls? You can replace them with re-programming calls.
- GPS can drop. We’ve all been in the car when our directions quit on us. GPS can and will drop out on you. Much of the signal accuracy depends on a large number of satellite connections. Copper wire doesn’t.
- GPS can be blocked. Satellites need a clear line to the receiver. Large trees and other items can impede the signal, causing your fence to malfunction. When you’re watching your favorite show on TV and your satellite signal drops, it’s irritating. When your pet’s safety is at stake, 99% isn’t good enough.
- GPS collars require frequent charging. Because GPS collars constantly track satellites, they require a lot of power. The collars take a long time to charge, so if your dog is outside for long periods of time, you’ll need a second collar to avoid gaps in coverage.
Not Just Dogs
We train other pets too!
We Train Cats, Goats, Pigs and even Cows